Wednesday, August 17, 2011


Hi friends,

I caved to the pressure and started a blog to document my upcoming roadtrip across the USA. I figured it's the best way to keep all the interested parties (read: non-facebookers) in the loop as we make our way.

Kelsey and I leave tomorrow morning (Thursday 08/18/11) bright and early, and we are headed due WEST. We will be on the road for exactly 2 weeks before arriving in LA (where I intend to secure employment, make a home, live long and prosper. You know, piece of cake stuff that I will worry about later). I'll be doing my best to update this blog as we go, so that you all can know that we are safe, and see what we're up to.

As to my current mood: I'm feeling very nostalgic at the moment as you might expect. I have so much love for my friends and family and I'm going to miss them- and the East Coast- very much. However, it's time to go try something new. So- first stop is Buffalo/Niagara Falls, and then on to Chicago for the weekend. Check back for pictures and stuff.

Wish us luck!
Cory (and Kels)


  1. Great you're doing a blog. Have fun with it, and safe travels.

  2. Cor - have safe, fun travels. We'll be following along via your blog. Love, The Honies

  3. I'm SO psyched you caved to the pressure to do a blog, 'cause as you know, I like photos:) So take lots and keep us all posted so we can live vicariously!! LOVE YOU:)

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